Guin’s First Kidding

Well, I missed another one, but at least this time I knew it was coming. Guin AND her dam Gwen were overdue, and yesterday, I noticed that Guin was acting a bit off and she had made a tiny FF udder. She was up and down in the goat lot, doing a lot of digging and looking generally uncomfortable. Since it was Easter Sunday, we had plans to visit my parents for the day. I put Guin in my indoor kidding stall, just in case. When I returned that evening, she had not made any progress,  but was visibly distressed. She did NOT want to be away from her herd to the point where (I suspected) the cortisol had shut down her labor. I didn’t want to leave her outside with the herd because temps would be lower and the shelter would have a lot of adults in it. I decided to put her in the barn so she could have the company of the goat kids, and while it wouldn’t be as warm as the kidding stall, it was insulated and did have a barrel warmer. By 11pm, she had not progressed, so I decided I had misread her cues earlier in the day. However, this morning, I checked on her first thing, and she presented me with a dried and already nursing doe kid! Her baby weighed in at 4lbs 4oz, and is polled and chocolate. For now, she is retained.

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